Obernewtyn.net Moonfair

Moonfair 2010 update!

Saturday 06 November 2010 - 09:47:00
moonfair_2010.jpg Thank you to everyone for participating in this year's Moonfair! Competitions have been sorted and moved to the main Moonfair forum, for judges to pick up and score, and for the rest of Obernet to check out. Feel free to comment as you like on everyone's entries, you don't have to leave the threads alone!

[hr][/hr]Some competitions still require judges - so if you're interested in seeing what's left, and in volunteering some time to help out, please visit The Judging Plan: 2010.

Judges and Points Gatherers - please see this post for important information on what's required of you!
But basically - The Important Date: 15th November!
Please judge your competitions and have the results PM'd to Moonfairy or posted in your thread (depending on competition requirement, explained here) by the 15th November.