Isobelle Carmody Appearances

News from Isobelle Carmody

Wednesday 18 June 2008 - 17:46:00
news_from_isobelle_carmody.jpg I received a lovely update message from Isobelle today and she asked me to share it with everyone, to keep you posted on what she's up to.

[hr][/hr]- Firstly, she thanked us for the birthday wishes! :D
(you can leave your birthday greetings to Isobelle on this thread!)

- She's just sent off the final art for the last Little Fur book, A Riddle of Green.

- She's also just finished a bit of a re-edit of Obernewtyn, for the US publishers, Random House:

I thought it would be a terrible thing to do, but in fact I liked doing it, and I enjoyed the level of re engagement that editing gives you.

Isobelle Carmody

She also included info about the Random House publishing deal, and the truth about Wavesong:

I also went though The Farseekers, and while I enjoyed that too, I was actually working on their edited version of the book.
"I have been given almost no time to do the others, so I have simply to read through their cuts and changes, and then I have to write an end for the first half of The Stone Key, which they are cutting into two books.

The American Random House book Wavesong will be the first half of The Stone Key with an ending and a few changes to allow me to smooth the cut. The Random version of The Stone Key will be the second half of The Stone Key with a new beginning.

In a way having to re-edit and rewrite these bits is perfectly timed for me to do the final book (The Sending).
BTW, Random will also divide that in two. I guess they are assuming it will be a big book LOL.

Isobelle Carmody

Why is The Stone Key being cut into 2 books?

I have no say at all in this.
Penguin Australia made the deal with Random and it appears mostly to be because the Americans feel the books are too big for the younger audience they would sell them to, I think.

Of course I wrote The Stone Key as a single book, and even with tweaking for me, the Australia single book version is preferable.
But the good thing about it from my point of view is that many foreign publishers can't afford to translate such a huge book, and so this will make it much more accessible to translation."

Isobelle Carmody

Thank you so much for the update, Isobelle!

For more information + our discussion on Wavesong, head over to this thread.


    15 years ago

    i think its absolutely lovely that Isobelle updates us on what's happening with her... she's such a down to earth wonderful author :)

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