Feb 2010: Isobelle Fanfiction 2

We're leaving you a pretty open slate for this month’s writing challenge write a story (fanfiction) based on any of Isobelle Carmody's works.

Submission Suggestions
This is a pretty open competition - you can write any story based on any one of IC's books - Obernewtyn, Legendsong, Billy Thunder, Green Monkey Dreams - anything! Here's a link to the IC Booklist, if you're after inspiration!

Perhaps you'd like to:
- Rewrite a scene from one of IC's books based on the view of another character
- Delve into how Little Fur's parents met
- Write about what happened post 'The Gathering'
- Write a scene in the day of the life of Galtha

Really, the possibilities are endless!

Entries open from now until [strike]28th February[/strike] 14th March 2010

Your entry should be no longer than 3000 words. You can only enter once, so make sure you're happy with the entry before you submit it!

1st: 40
2nd: 30
3rd: 20
Entry: 5

Judges: Sam16, Dream Traveller and bananamonkey.
[Do you want to be a judge? Read what's required here.]

To submit, please post directly to the Fanfiction section of the site, and select the "Feb 2010: IC Fanfiction" Category.
For a complete FAQ on how to submit your stories to the Fanfiction section, see this post.
Don't worry about anyone stealing your ideas after you submit, either; all entries will remain hidden until the end of the competition.

If you have any questions, or any suggestions of stories that you would like to read please ask them below!
    14 years ago

    I fixed thd problem, but now it only shows half of the story! Hmmm...I give up :(

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    14 years ago

    I'm writing my entry about The Gathering.

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    14 years ago

    Kaylan - the story exists in the system under the name Dreaming, but it says it has no chapters. :-/ Could you maybe try using a computer in a library or something? I hope you can work something out! (By the title, it sounds like it would be a fun idea!)

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    14 years ago

    I've had a bit of trouble submitting my entry. It's either called 'Dreaming' or 'Dreaming With Alice'. I only have access to the Internet on my phone, so it was a little hard to submit it. I hope it worked, though.

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    14 years ago

    Thanks for the extension, Min - it'll give me (and others!) a chance to go over our entries with fresh eyes before submitting! :)
    [ edited 01 Mar 2010 : 10:22 ]

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