the_sending_isobelle_carmody_obernewtyn.jpg Isobelle seems to be keeping well as she continues to edit her current works. A status update from Isobelle on Facebook revealed a little insight into her current thought processes.

I love when your subconscious offers you a stunning revelation for a book in the form of a dream, though invariably when you hold it up to the light of day, it has lots of little holes that need a stitch or two- but still long live the dark side of the mind!

After much squeeing from her fans, Isobelle provided confirmation that it was indeed in regards to The Sending and commented as follows:

... I find I am much more likely to dream like this when I am editing, which is to say working on the layers under the primary layer. There is always so much underneath everything and so many threads that conn...ect once you unearth and untangle them. This was a major thread which I had left dangling telling myself firmly that it would come and yet it is so fantastic when it really does reveal itself and you go back to strengthen the hints and suggestions and find THEY ARE ALREADY THERE. That is a little bit spooky lol

It's an interesting insight into some of the thought processes in Isobelle's work and we look forward to hearing and learning more as we lead up to the final book in the Obernewtyn Chronicles!