isobelle_carmody_message_to_obernewtyn_net.jpg Yesterday I received an anniversary gift from Sharlene @ Penguin - a video interview with Isobelle, that they recorded during the Sydney Writers' Festival this year.

[hr][/hr]In it, Isobelle answers - or at least discusses - several of the Theories that we had been discussing at the time.
(Sharlene asked me to gather these questions, but asked me not to tell anyone, in case they didn't get time to ask them!)
To my astonishment, at the end of the video, is a special message from Isobelle to the site!

The video interview is available to Members only - and can be accessed from our Interviews Page.

Many thanks to Sharlene @ Penguin for gifting us this - and Isobelle for taking the time to do it!