the_red_queen_printed.jpg The interwebs exploded this afternoon when Isobelle Carmody posted a photo to her facebook wall:

[hr][/hr]The Red Queen by Isobelle Carmody in print That's right - The Red Queen, final Obernewtyn Chronicles book, has officially been printed! Penguin posted the photo originally on Twitter, and added another one shortly after which gives a good indication of how thick the book is: The Red Queen by Isobelle Carmody in print And at 1120 pages, it's no wonder! The Red Queen is due to officially be in stores on 12th November, however - keep your eyes peeled from now on! Remember that The Sending showed up a week or so early in stores, and unless there's an embargo, booksellers and libraries will put it on the shelf as soon as they receive it! If you missed it the other day, the blurb from The Red Queen is now also available. Read it here: Read the blurb from The Red Queen!


    8 years ago

    Ack I can't believe this is all really happening - so excited :D

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    8 years ago

    Oh my Lud this is so exciting. I am dying of excitement.

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