The Writer
The Artist
The Puzzle

Moonfair 2012


Iconise This


In this competition you are required to design a set of seven (7) avatars.


Your task is to choose a chapter out of The Sending that mentions the Taillard Observatory in any way, and create a set of seven avatars/icons, to represent important, funny, or even random moments that occur in that chapter.


You can pick any reference you want, be it a passing reference from Jacob's journal, to their exploring it in the later chapters. As long as the observatory is eluded to, you can use that chapter!


~ To enter this competition ~

At leave five of your seven icons will need to be image-based. You may used text on them, but the text/quote must not be the main focus of the icon (this is to make sure that the submissions are not simply quotes on a background - it's an art comp after all!). The icons as a set don't have to tell a story, they just need to be recognisable as coming from your chapter/book of choice.


In your submission, please include:

  • the chapter and book you are basing your icons on.
  • URLs to your seven icons. They must be:
    • 100x100 pixels
    • .jpg, .png or .gif format
  • short descriptions of each avatar, and what moment in the chapter they represent.


If you're lost for ideas, check out a couple of the Avatar Gallery on Obernet.


Remember to type 'Iconise This' in the subject box so that your entry is sorted correctly.

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