The Writer
The Artist
The Puzzle

Moonfair 2012


Crossing the Galaxy


Whilst on her quest Elspeth found a well preserved scrap of paper with many squares and questions on it. Later when she showed it to Fian, she learned that it was an 'LaCross Word', and that to complete she had to answer the questions correctly and fill in the squares. Once completed, she could form a word from the letters in the squares highlighted yellow.


Your task is to help Elspeth by completing the cross word below.


Part One:

For this part, solve the crossword below by figuring out the clues provided. Submit the answer to each clue next to its corresponding number, or submit it as an image (images need to be uploaded to photobucket before submission).




2. Round glowing orb, without shadow
4. Surrounds the earth
7. Light greenish-yellow
13. The study of stars
15. Obscure light
17. An example of 3 down
18. Angelic being
19. Second novel in a series by an author with the initials SM
21. A city hidden from the moon
22. A special type of fairy
23. Wild and moody being
24. Beyond the earth's atmosphere, to infinity and beyond
25. The moon affects these, those which respond to the moon's pull


1. Cluster of stars
3. Houses 14 down
5. Source of light, centre of the solar system
6. A nickname of one of 18 across
8. Mirrored
9. Bright green stone
10. Pearly white stone
11. Vessel designed for space, the only way to get to Pigfarts
12. An annual festival, a good occasion for trade
14. Used in 13 across
16. Held on full moon days, a Sadorian test
18. Balls of gas
20. Guardian of the Dreamtrails, counterpart of Daywatcher

Part Two:

Once you've solved the crossword and found the secret word, use it to write a story set within the Obernewtyn Chronicles' world. Entries must be under 1000 words. You may choose only to enter part one if you wish.

~ To enter this competition ~

Part One: Enter the finished crossword (image or text) in this part. Points will be given for correct answers.
Part Two: Submit the secret word (which you found in the crossword in part one) and your story.
Entries will be judged on whether the word found is correct, the way you use it to create your story and the general creativity of your piece..
Remember to type 'Crossing the Galaxy (Part One/Two)' in the subject box so that your entry is sorted correctly.

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