
Isobelle Carmody Appearances for 2015

Isobelle Carmody already has several appearances lined up for 2015 in Australia, where she'll be lecturing, signing books and talking to fans.

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Isobelle Carmody Update - while she's been offline

While Isobelle's been offline finishing The Red Queen for it's November release date, she has made a few in-person appearances at events she'd committed to prior to "going dark".

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Obernet Book Club: Obernewtyn Chronicles Re-read

With The Red Queen coming out in a little over 6 months it's the perfect time to start a re-read of the journey so far!

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Isobelle Carmody's "The Red Queen" to be released in 2015!

Isobelle Carmody has finally posted a release date for the much-awaited conclusion to her Obernewtyn saga, The Red Queen.

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Keeping Books Alive Seminar, including Isobelle Carmody, David Millar and Adam Wallace

Ford Street Publishing are hosting Isobelle Carmody, David Millar and Adam Wallace at the next Keeping Books Alive Seminar.

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Avid Reader Customer Christmas Party featuring Isobelle Carmody, Sean Williams, and Phil Brown

Avid Reader in Brisbane's West End will be hosting their Customer Christmas Party this Friday night (28th November) from 6-8pm.

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Eat the Sky, Drink the Ocean, a new anthology featuring an Isobelle Carmody graphic novel

This Saturday, 15th November, Isobelle Carmody will be at Oxford Bookstore in Delhi with a number of other contributors to launch Eat the Sky, Drink the Ocean, a new collection of sci-fi and fantasy writing, including six graphic stories.

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Isobelle Carmody answers writing advice questions on Facebook

Some of you would have already seen Isobelle Carmody's post yesterday on her Facebook wall where she answered four writing and publishing questions, but for those of you who haven't:

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