Isobelle Carmody Appearances

Booktopia Podcast: Isobelle Carmody: "You must give your allegiance to the story you’re writing.”

Sarah and Bronwyn of Booktopia chat to Isobelle Carmody about her incredible The Kingdom of the Lost series.

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Isobelle Appearances for August and September 2016

Isobelle Carmody will be making several appearances on the east coast of Australia during August and September, so if you're in the area at the right time, make sure you pop along and say hi!

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Two upcoming Isobelle Carmody events this April

While Isobelle will be kept busy for most of April recording the Obernewtyn Chronicles audiobooks, she will be making a few appearances still, in Brunswick (Victoria) and Brisbane (Queensland).

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Isobelle will be at Oz Comic-Con in 2016

Isobelle Carmody will be appearing at both the Perth and Adelaide Oz Comic-Con's this April!

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Happy Red Queen Launch Day!

It's 12th November, which means that Isobelle Carmody's final Obernewtyn Chronicles book, The Red Queen is now available!

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Join Isobelle for Pancakes to Celebrate The Red Queen Launch

To coincide with the release of The Red Queen this Thursday (!

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Isobelle holds The Red Queen for the first time, plus Booktopia interview

Isobelle Carmody flew to Sydney yesterday to catch up with Penguin and to sign a ton of books (1200!

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Isobelle Carmody's Evermore Tour

Evermore, the new post-apocalyptic graphic novel fairy tale by Isobelle Carmody (illustrated by Dan Reed), will be appearing in book stores this October, and Isobelle is celebrating its launch with a series of events around Australia.

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Isobelle Carmody Appearances for 2015

Isobelle Carmody already has several appearances lined up for 2015 in Australia, where she'll be lecturing, signing books and talking to fans.

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Isobelle Carmody Update - while she's been offline

While Isobelle's been offline finishing The Red Queen for it's November release date, she has made a few in-person appearances at events she'd committed to prior to "going dark".

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